14 May 2014

Cruises on TV

Well that was a busy week !
sorry I've been away for a while but things have been busy on the day job.
But I can't neglect the blogging world for long.

Today's ramblings.....
Cruising on TV.

Hot on the heels of ITV's announcement that the Royal princess will be featured as part of a 4 part documentary this summer.

Coming soon.... but will it be Realistic (or any good)
I started hoping that this would be a realistic documentary about modern cruising.

Unlike some other programmes that have portrayed cruises recently, shamefully talking about the stereotypical "Purple rinse" cruises.

I speak of course of the BBC's

I only watched one of those programmes and I was appauled. Nearly throwing the remote through the TV screen. I remember a vicar who went on a cruise so he could perform sermons at sea. ballroom dancing classes on a small ship bobbing around the pacific.

What an outdated image of cruising that was!
Not my cup of tea (or coffee) at all.
- I understand that is some passengers ideal, but I'm talking my personal taste here.

I dreaded my friends watching it and saying "ooh is that what your Caribbean cruises are like"
luckily it didn't make waves & the programme died off as soon as it set sail.

Of Course there was
the BBC 1990's Docusoap.
the BBC docusoap "the Cruise"
Responsible for Launching Jayne McDonald to fame (on loose women).
1990's nostalgia at its very best - Caribbean cruises of Glitz, Excess & cheese.
- I never watched it, so would be please to hear your memories.

And there was 
The Love boat = sitcom at sea - not a documentary
Princess Cruises first (original) on board TV sit-com ran for 9 years 
and interestingly the Royal Princess (star of the new program) has a Ship horn that will play the theme to the love boat.
also the Love boat was filmed (in part) on the Original Royal princess
but I'm FAR too young to have watched that show.

This summers "The Cruise ship" holds allot of promise for me
Brand new ship (Tick)
Modern cruise line (Tick)
Chances of a total purple rinse population (low)
but time will tell.....

what cruise TV programmes do you remember / enjoy
let me know
Like / comment & share I'd love to know.

tarar for now
the Cap'n


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